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The UKIPO is making big changes: The One IPO Transformation

The UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) website is the platform used by Intellectual Property owners and their representatives to start the process of registering their Intellectual Property rights. Trade marks, Patents and Designs applications can be filed using the UKIPO website.

The website is largely a very good one but it however comes with its own limitations. For example, at the time of writing this article, Intellectual Property owners or their representatives are not able to manage their IP on the UKIPO website. If for instance an IP owner wants to make changes to their address, a form will have to be filled and said form will either be sent by email or sent by post to the UKIPO. If IP owners were able to do this on a profile created specifically for their use, these sort of changes would be much easier and could even reduce the work-load of staff at the UKIPO office.

To address the above limitation amongst others, the UKIPO launched the One IPO Transformation Programme sometime in 2021 with an aim to transform the current service to a modernised one. The programme is a 5 year plan that will create a single platform where IP rights holders can manage their trademarks, patents and designs. The UKIPO plans to role this out in phases, with the patent service set to be launched sometime in 2024, trade marks in 2025 and designs in 2026.

To find out more about this or contribute towards the development of the service you can visit the UKIPO website or send an email to


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