We can assist you with UK Trade mark and Design Registrations.
Trade marks
Before you file a trade mark application, it is highly recommended you carry out a search to ascertain if your trade mark is similar or not to an existing registered trade mark or a recently filed trade mark application. Our free registrability advice will provide you with detailed information on how to proceed with your trademark registration.
When you send us your trade mark, you should also provide us with the following information:
Will you be selling goods or providing services, or both;
Which countries would you be selling these goods in or which countries would you be providing the services in;
What goods are you selling now or what services are you providing now;
What goods will you sell in the future or what services would you provide in the future.
The above information will assist in deciding what trade mark class or classes you would need to register your trade mark in. Based on the information you provide to us, you may need to file your trade mark application in one or more classes. We would also be able to inform you whether there is the need to file your trade mark applications internationally or not.
To file a trademark, we need the representation of the trade mark, details of the trade mark owner. We also need to know the classes you intend to file the trade mark in. If you do not know the classes, it will be helpful if you can share the nature of your business so the relevant trade mark classes can be identified.
Filing to registration takes up to 4 months.
Trade marks last for 10 years from the filing date and can be renewed every 10 years thereafter. Trade marks can be renewed 6 months before the due date, and with a penalty, up to 6 months after the due date.
Design registration is a crucial step for creators and businesses looking to protect their unique designs and prevent others from copying or imitating them. Design registration provides legal protection to the aesthetic features of an article. It safeguards the overall design, including its shape, configuration, pattern, or ornamentation. Registering a design grants the owner exclusive rights to use and exploit the design for a specified period.
To qualify for design registration in the UK, a design must be new, possess individual character, and not be dictated solely by technical function. The design should not have been disclosed to the public before applying for registration.
To file a Design application, we need copies of the Design and details of the Design owner. The title of the Design cannot be a brand name. The title can be "chair" or "table" for example.
Registered Designs last for 25 years subject to renewals every 5 years